About Us

Christine Linkedin

Hello, I'm Christine

My passion is helping people develop to be the best they can be

I was privileged to take on my first Team Leader role at the tender age of 19...That's when I discovered that you could learn many skills in business, but no one teaches you how to manage people.

So, at that young age, I decided I would do my best to be THE best leader I could be, and believe me, I've experienced the Good, the Bad, and the downright Ugly of 'leaders' over the years.

Now, after 35+ years’ experience, leading global, multicultural, and diverse teams, I've travelled the world helping literally thousands of leaders and business owners, get under the skin of their people to REALLY understand what motivates and drives them and help them achieve maximum results with minimum drama.  ​

I’m a multiple, award-winning business owner, detail freak, proud mum of two grown boys (well, handsome men now), and grandmother. I’m a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute, qualified in Neuro Linguistic Programming, and also a Myers Briggs Type Indicator Practitioner which means you have a variety of tools that we can use to help you and your teams thrive.

Meet Team One Percent

The One Percent collaborates with outstanding local providers and businesses to deliver the results you're looking for

Every one of our team members is passionate about creating an inspiring environment where people feel comfortable and empowered to learn new skills. Although our backgrounds are diverse, our unified goal and shared values make us a solid team you can count on.

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Fraser Penman

Re-engage, Re-ignite & Re-set Your Goals to Achieve Results

Mindset for Success

Business and life can be tough. Keeping a positive frame of mind and continually delivering results can be challenging, for even the best of us. Do you ever wish you could press a 'reset' button and either start again or at least re-gain your momentum and motivation? That's exactly what Fraser helps you with in his Mindset for Success Seminar. Through the dynamic impact of hypnosis and psychological techniques you will have an experience like no other as he helps you and/or your team rediscover your mojo in this engaging, exciting and extraordinary event.

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Vicky Mustard

Marketing & Advertising

Must Media Ltd

A full-stack marketing service based in Glasgow, Must Media offers creative marketing services that are bespoke and scaleable for your business. Marketing solutions that will make your brand stand out from the crowd.

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Linzi Harvey

Projects & Events

Entourage Ltd

Entourage UK is as passionate about your project as you are! They're dedicated to ensuring your project runs smoothly, saving you precious time and effort, and allowing you to focus on your core activities.