Leadership is about people...

…not products, processes or places – because without engaging, motivating and inspiring the PEOPLE in your business who are responsible for developing and delivering those products, processes and places – there is no business.

And that’s why, at the One Percent, we put you and your people first

Healthy relationships foster thriving businesses

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We spend one-third of our lives at work, so being happy, motivated and building good working relationships is essential to not only making our jobs more enjoyable but to our overall productivity and business performance.

Did you know?

Happy employees experience 31% higher productivity

Employees who report being happy at work take 10 times fewer sick days

Companies with happy employees outperform competition by 20%

More than 50% of workers consider meetings to be a major contributor to unproductive days

Tuesdays are considered the most productive day of the week

In our significant experience leading teams and specialising in people development, we’ve worked with individuals, leaders, and business owners globally, helping them to get the best from themselves and their teams without the drama! ​

Services shaped to your needs


Leadership Development

We can support you with your specific Leadership Development Needs or Challenges


Personality Profiling

Unique team building day: fun, enlightening, and engaging for everyone involved - even the skeptics!


Return to

This programme helps restore confidence and capability for a successful return to work after leave.

A "No Problems, only Solutions" approach

Okay, so we know that life doesn’t always go to plan – but… are you a glass half empty or glass half full person? We’re definitely the latter, which is why, we’ll help guide and support you and your team to think differently and focus on the outcome you want, need and deserve!

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Clare Candy
Clare Candy
Renegade Brewing Company

I now feel more confident to tacke challenges as a management team and we had a blast
along the way!

Kristen Hannah
Kristen Hannah
Ayatana XP

Christine is such an incredible coach, trainer and mentor. I first started working with her when I was a part of the Growing Leaders Program she delivered some years ago and found that workshop so impactful and important to my career that she was first on my list when I decided I wanted to run a similar workshop with our team. There is no one else I would’ve wanted to have this experience with, and I was just as impressed this time around as I was the first time.

Gayle Kennedy
Gayle Kennedy
Scottish Enterprise

Everything in the course content was relevant and delivered professionally and with great understanding of individual circumstances faced by returners. Has helped my journey back to work enormously and I have secured employment by deploying the skills learned through the course.

Diane Black
Diane Black
Return to Work Programme

A brilliant programme, hugely motivational and superbly facilitated with a fantastic balance of presentation and activities. I had some light bulb moments allowing me to think about myself, my skills and strengths and above all to have self-belief. Having been out of the world of work for some time it was a great opportunity to meet others in a similar situation and form a network of support. This superb support allowed a trust and a bond to be developed. Prepares you for that big step back into the world of work. A brilliant programme which I would highly recommend.

Benedetto Bordone
Benedetto Bordone
The Loft

Christine Penman is a superb professional. She helped our company build a more effective team in terms of performance, output and morale – the results were exceptional

James Curich
James Curich
Curich/Weiss Ltd

I participated in Christine’s leadership program years ago and continue to leverage the skills learned every day. As Co-Founder of CURICH|WEISS, when it came time to provide leadership training to our team, I immediately thought of Christine. Everyone shared how much they loved and appreciated her coaching and thoughtful approach. The program was packed with valuable lessons that the team is already employing, and it is a pleasure to watch the team continue to grow because of the program. Highly recommend

Louise McHendrie
Louise McHendrie
Dance Inc. Studios

When I started my business over 10 years ago, I never considered the fact that I might need to manage people at some point. Like a lot of small business owners this isn’t something I've ever received training in, so when the opportunity arose to take Christine’s leadership course, I jumped at the chance!  Informative, engaging and incredibly eye-opening for myself and my employee. It has given us so much insight to move forward successfully as a team and as individuals within the business. I feel much more confident to embark on growing the team now. Thank you, Christine, for giving me the knowledge I was lacking - I’m excited to put all of my recent learnings into practise!

Jenny Drew
Jenny Drew
Sew Confident

Christine is my 'go to' person when I'm having any leadership issues. She has a wealth of experience managing people and has always been able to help. She gives clear, actionable advice and has prevented some potentially costly mistakes for me in my business. As my business grows and I continue to hire more staff and increase my franchise network I will be keeping Christine on speed dial! Would highly recommend!